Did You Hear About the Morgans? Trailer 2009 - TRUE HD 720p

[postlink]http://tubehd.blogspot.com/2009/12/did-you-hear-about-morgans-trailer-2009.html[/postlink] [starttext]
Did You Hear About the Morgans? Trailer 2009 - TRUE HD 720p High Definition video

The comedy Did You Hear About the Morgans? follows a highly successful Manhattan couple, Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant), whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.

Director:Marc Lawrence
Cast:Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Kelly, Wilford Brimley

In theaters: December 18, 2009


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