Spec Ops The Line World Premiere Trailer [HD]

[postlink]http://tubehd.blogspot.com/2009/12/spec-ops-line-world-premiere-trailer-hd.html[/postlink] [starttext]
Spec Ops The Line World Premiere Trailer [HD] High Definition video

Developer: 2K Games
Release: TBA
Genre: 3rd Person
Platform: PS3/X360/PC
Publisher: 2K Games
Website: www.specopstheline.com/
Spec Ops: The Line unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. Once the playground for the world's wealthiest elite, Dubai has fallen victim to a series of cataclysmic sandstorms. The city's ultramodern architecture lies half-buried under millions of tons of sand. The very sand that blankets the city plays a marquee role in altering combat situations and serves as a powerful but unpredictable force that will both help and hinder players throughout the course of the game.


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